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Pietro e Lucia




Dear Sir/madam,

Let me introduce to you an offer for cooperation in implementation of world premiere of opera-ballet drama „Pietro e Lucia“, created by Slovak director Dušan Rapoš, based on a novel by Romain Rolland, Nobel Prize winner for literature. As an owner of the license, along with the Radio and Television of Slovakia RTVS, we have prepared 85 min documentary about the creation of this monumental work, completed with subtitles of lyrics and commentary in five languages (English, French, Russian, Italian and Slovak). DVD documentary is attached to this letter. For video click HERE.

Our offer of cooperation, which we are ready to discuss, is a common approach to introduce this work of art to the world art markets. Our goal is to use this to present the human love and understanding, the absurdity of war and the current terrorism. We have prepared a business plan of shows and we have all the necessary props and costumes for performances.

To conclude, I would like to sincerely thank you for your time and willingness to familiarize yourself with our proposal and I look forward to our cooperation.

Best Regards,

lucia e pietro Aj



Dear Sir/madam,

Let me introduce to you an offer for cooperation in implementation of world premiere of opera-ballet drama „Pietro e Lucia“, created by Slovak director Dušan Rapoš, based on a novel by Romain Rolland, Nobel Prize winner for literature. As an owner of the license, along with the Radio and Television of Slovakia RTVS, we have prepared 85 min documentary about the creation of this monumental work, completed with subtitles of lyrics and commentary in five languages (English, French, Russian, Italian and Slovak). DVD documentary is attached to this letter. For video click HERE.

Our offer of cooperation, which we are ready to discuss, is a common approach to introduce this work of art to the world art markets. Our goal is to use this to present the human love and understanding, the absurdity of war and the current terrorism. We have prepared a business plan of shows and we have all the necessary props and costumes for performances.

To conclude, I would like to sincerely thank you for your time and willingness to familiarize yourself with our proposal and I look forward to our cooperation.

Best Regards,

lucia e pietro Aj

Poster Pietro e Luci[:sk] 

operacdVážený pán/pani,

Dovoľte mi obrátiť sa na Vás s ponukou na spoluprácu pri realizácii svetovej premiéry operno-baletnej drámy „Pietro e Lucia“, ktorú vytvoril slovenský režisér Dušan Rapoš podľa námetu románu Romaina Rollanda, nositeľa Nobelovej ceny za literatúru. O vzniku tohto diela sme ako vlastník licencie, MJ Advisory, spolu s Rozhlasom a televízou Slovenska RTVS, pripravili 85 min dokumentárny film o vzniku tohto monumentálneho diela, ktorý je spracovaný aj v titulkoch piesní a komentára v piatich jazykoch (SK, ANG, FR, RUS, TAL). Pre video kliknite TU Naša ponuka spolupráce, o ktorej sme pripravení diskutovať, je spoločný postup uvedenia tohto umeleckého diela na svetové umelecké trhy- s cieľom prezentovať takouto formou ľudskú lásku porozumenie a nezmyselnosť  vojny a dnes aktuálneho terorizmu. Máme pripravený business plán predstavení a potrebné rekvizity a kostýmy pre predstavenie.

Na záver Vám chcem úprimne poďakovať za Vás čas a ochotu oboznámiť sa s našou prosbou a teším sa na našu spoluprácu. 

